Physio App

Physio Mobile App


Physio (concept company)

My Role

Product Design, Case Study, Research




There is a basic need for a better solution for patients and therapists alike to stay connected outside of the weekly or bi-weekly check-in appointments. A need for a way to better stay connected with each other, and have a database of proper resources to ensure correct and efficient recovery from injuries and/or underlying medical conditions. Often patients that have questions are unable to reach their physical therapist directly, Physio aims to fix that.

In-Depth Research


User Research: Extensive interviews were conducted with participants across various demographics. Key findings included a lack of commitment to performing exercises at home, confusion of how to perform said exercises, time constraints, and confirmation of correct form.


Competitive Analysis: A thorough examination of existing apps revealed a gap in holistic solutions that combine personalization, community, and enhanced communication.


Persona Development: Detailed personas were created, including Anne Moore and John Ames, each with unique needs and motivations.


User Testing: Testing was created, including "The Urban Eco-Warrior," "The Green Parent," and "The Sustainability Student".

Gathered Data

Conducted interviews and online research to develop a more in-depth understanding of a potential customers base, here are some of those findings.

100% of participants selected Yes for it they would use this app to help stay on track with their rehabilitation goals

"If I don't do my exercises in the morning, I don't get to them at all."

Therapists voiced concerns of added work to their already busy day to day schedule

"With work and kids distracting me throughout the day, I struggle to execute the at-home portion of my PT rehab routine."

How Might We

Conducted a How Might We design sprint to brainstorm solutions and narrow the focus to the most important components.

How might we provide a resource to patients needing to continue physical therapy at home
How might we provide a resource to patients needing to  track their progress and view their results.
How might we provide a resource to patients needing resources to better understand what they’re instructed to do

Comprehensive Design Process

Information Architecture

Carefully structured to provide an intuitive user journey, balancing educational content, interactive features, and community engagement.

Wireframing and Prototyping

Early wireframes led to interactive prototypes, which were tested and iterated on. This phase was crucial for refining user flows and interface elements.

User Interface Design

Focused on creating a visually appealing and emotionally engaging experience. The design incorporated intuitive icons and an easy-to-navigate layout.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Special consideration was had to making the app accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Features like screen reader compatibility, color blindness modes, and scalable text are all part of the next phase for this appplication.


A comparison from looking at the first original sketches to the final interface.




There is a gap in the information and accessibility of resources during the recovery process. Too often patients are given a black-and-white printout with pictures showcasing exercises to do and that is the only resource they are given to help them along their way. Patients widely vary from young athletes looking to get rapid recovery to get back to their activities as soon as possible, to older elderly patients who need help with their day-to-day activities. Regardless of the patient demographic, there is a lack of resources and reminders to help all patients learn and recover.

Target Audience

Patients who are required to perform physical therapy to help aid them in recovering from an injury or underlining problem causing them pain or restriction in their normal day-to-day activities.

Proposed Solution

Physio is an easy-to-use mobile application, for both patients and physical therapists alike to stay connected, engaged outside of appointments, and on track for a speedy recovery. Helping all parties learn proper recovery techniques and correct form while reducing recovery time by making it an engaged on-going process from beginning to end. A resource that is available for patients whenever they are struggling in their at-home recovery.